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MONDAY 27 OCTOBER, 2014 | RSS Feed

Just one single Cigarette Can Ruin Any Efforts

by Administrator | 1240 comments

People who try to quit smoking always visit a point when they tell themselves that"One cigarette do no harm" or "I will just smoke this town and never smoke again". Collision there, then you know where it contributes to. It leads to one more cigarette, which then contributes to a pack.

Whether you could have tried to quit smoking cigarettes before or not, you should understand that if you would like be able to stop permanently, you should never ever cave in to that craving regarding "Just one cigarette".

That is definitely your sub conscious mind playing tricks you. Not only you will return to smoking, it will also leave an impact on your mind that it is extremely hard to quit cigarette smoking.

I am not saying that it's not necessarily hard to quit. But if you believe that it is very difficult, then it will be harder than you imagine. And if you think it for being easy, it will possibly be easier than you considered.

When you feel the particular craving for cigarettes, make an effort to distract yourself. The cravings last for simply a minute or so. You can apply a lot of items to distract yourself in of which minute. If you have been in a bar with buddies, just go to the toilet to get a minute. If you are alone in your house, grab a fruit or perhaps a glass of veggie juice.

You may get cravings while you are doing things that are actually associated with smoking after some time. One example is including drinking wine. When you happen to be drinking wine, you could feel like your some other hand is empty, where there once were a cigarette. At this situation an effective action such as transforming the glass from you hand to another will administer your mind of the actual cigarette cravings.

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